This document is an introduction
to Australian Parliamentary debates, the motion/topics, team structure, etc.
It is meant to help student at senior high school who are new to the parliamentary
debating format, and are interested in participating in the upcoming English
Debating Contest, but are still unclear on the rules and regulations. This
document is not intended to serve as a definitive guide to the rules of the
ini adalah sebuah pengantar tentang debat Australian Parliamentary, topiknya,
struktur timnya, dll. Tujuannya adalah untuk membantu siswa sekolah
menengah yang masih baru sama
sekali terhadap format debat
Parliamentary, dan berminat untuk berpartisipasi dalam English Debating
Contest, tetapi belum jelas mengenai aturan dan tata cara yang digunakan.
Dokumen ini tidak untuk menjadi perangkat aturan yang
A debate is held between two
teams of three members each. That the Affirmative and the Negative. Members of
each team are assigned position as 1st, 2nd and 3rd
speakers. Team are given thirty (30) minutes to prepare for each debate.
Sebuah debat berlangsung antara dua tim yang masing-masing terdiri dari 3 orang anggota. Kedua tim ini diberi nama Affirmative (positif) dan Negative (Negatif). Masing-masing anggota dari setiap tim diberi posisi sebagai pembicara pertama, kedua dan ketiga. Setiap tim selalu diberikan waktu tigapuluh menit untuk mempersiapkan diri menjelang suatu debat.
Each of the speakers will deliver
a substantial speech of seven(7) minutes duration and either the 1stor
the 2nd speakers on both sides will deliver the reply speeches for
their teams. Reply speeches will be five (5) minutes.
pembicara diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pidato substansial selama tujuh menit. Setelah itu, pembicara
pertama atau kedua dari setiap tim diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pidato penutupnya selama
Thus, the complete speaking order
as follow :
Jadi, urutan penyampaian pidato dalam suatu debat adalah sebagai berikut :
1st Affirmative – 7 minute
1st Negative – 7 minute
2nd Affirmative – 7 minute
2nd Negative – 7 minute
3rd Affirmative – 7 minute
3rd Negative – 7 minute
Negative Reply - 5 minute
F Affirmative Reply - 5 minute
During the time given for
speeches, no one else may interrupt/interject the speaker except the
chairperson, and only if absolutely necessary.
Selama suatu pidato sedang berlangsung, tidak ada yang berhak memotong pembicaraan atau melakukan interupsi terhadap yang sedang berbicara, selain daripada moderator, jika dan hanya jika dipandang sangat perlu olehnya.
A warning bell will be sounded one (1) minute before the end of the allowed time for each speech, and a second bell at the end of the allowed time for each speech. This means, for a substantial speech, the first bell will be sounded after six (6) minutes, and the second bell will be sounded after seven (7) minutes. For a reply speech, the first bell will be sounded after four (4) minutes, and the second bell will be sounded after five (5) minutes.
The 1st Affirmative speaker introduces the motion and
defines the key terms in the motion. This definition is intended to limit the
scope of the debate to a specific and focused area. The 1st Affirmative then goes on to state the stand
of the affirmative, and present the strategy, or theme line, that the team will
use in order to justify this stand.
Pembicara affirmative pertama memperkenalkan mosi dan mendefinisikan istilah-istilah pentinmg dari mosi tersebut. Definisi ini diharapkan dapat membatasi ruang lingkup debat menjadi spesifik dan terfokus. Ia lalu menyatakan pendirian pihak affirmative, lalu mengungkapkan strategi atau theme line, yang digunakan untuk menjustifikasikan pendirian tersebut.
should be reasonable, clear and true to spirit of the motion. Truistic,
tautological and circular definitions are strictly prohibited. Squirreling
(definition that are in no way related to the spirit of the motion ) and
time/place setting are also not allowed.
Defenisi harus wajar, jelas dan sesuai dengan inti dari mosi yang diberikan. Defenisi berupa Truisme, tautology, atau defenisi sirkuler tidak diperbolehkan. Squirreling (definisi yang sama sekali tidak sesuai dari mosi) dan pembatasan ruang/waktu juga tidak diperbolehkan.
The negative team must not just
oppose the motion, but also build a counter-case against the Affirmative team.
In the event that Negative feels that the definition is invalid, the 1st Negative
speaker may challenge the Affirmative’s definition and propose an alternative definition.
However, the Negative cannot raise a definitional challenge simply on the basis
that their definition is more reasonable.
Tim Negative tidak hanya berusaha membantah mosi, tetapi harus membangun suatu counter-case untuk melawan Affirmative. Jika Negative merasa bahwa defenisi yang diberikan tidak sah, maka pembicara Negative pertama dapat menggugat definisi Affirmative dan memberikan suatu definisi alternative. Negative tidak boleh menggugat definisi hanya atas dasar bahwa definisi mereka lebih ‘wajar’.
2nd speakers from both teams must further their cases by building
upon the framework that has been laid out by their 1st speakers; by
giving arguments that prove their theme line, and supporting those arguments
with facts.
Pembicara kedua dari masing-masing tim harus meneruskan case mereka dengan cara membangun diatas kerangka landasan yasng sudah diberikan oleh pembicara pertama. Caranya dengan memberikan argumen yang memperkuat theme line-nya, dan mendukung argumen tersebut dengan fakta-fakta.
The 3rd speakers from both teams have the main duty of rebutting arguments and points brought up by their opposing team. The 3rd speakers on the Negative is not allowed to bring up new matter. However, new examples to support points introduced earlier are allowed.
Pembicara ketiga dari masing-masing tim memiliki tugas utama untuk membantah argument dan poin-poin yang diangkat oleh tim lawan mereka. Khusus untuk pembicara Negative ketiga, tidak diperbolehkan membawakan materi baru. Namun demikian, mereka diperbolehkan memberikan contoh atau faktauntuk mendukung poin yang sudah diangkat terlebih dahulu.
Motion, sometimes also known as topics, are propositional statements that determine what a debate shall be about. In the debate, the affirmative team must argue to defend propositional statement and the Negative team must argue to oppose the propositional statement.
Motion, atau seringkali dikenal
sebagai topic, merupakan pernyataan proposisi yang menentukan subyek apa yang
menjadi inti suatu.debat. dalam debat tersebut, tim Affirmative harus
berargumentasi untuk membela pernyataan proposisi tersebut sedangkan tim
Negative harus berargumentasi untuk membantah.
Here are some examples of motion
that can be debated about:
Berikut ini adalah beberapa
contoh motion yang dapat diperdebatkan :
That we should give
President SBY a chance.
That American pop culture
is a threat to civilization.
The long is better than the
That football is overvalued
in today’s society
That cigarette companies
should not be held responsible for the bad effects of smoking
That we should recognize
the existence of gay
That we should legalize
That we should fade up
supernatural sinetron
That we should blame the
government of natural disaster
That lapindo should take
responsibility of flood in
Free education program is
appropriate to conduct
That we are slave of
Technology is a a time bomb
That “paranormal” should be
Infotainment has gone too
Adjudication is the process of determine which team wins the debates. There is always a winner in a debate. There no ‘draws’ or ‘ties’. The speakers are assessed on matter, manner and method. Matter is 40 points, manner is 40 and method is 20 points, making a total of 100 points for each substantial speech. For reply speeches, matter and manner are 20 points and method is 10, making a total of 50 points.
merupakan proses penentuan tim mana yang memenangkan suatu debat. Di dalam
setiap debat, selalu ada pemenang, tidak pernah ada hasil seri.
Matter refer to the points, arguments logic, facts, statistic and examples brought up during the course of the debate. Manner is concerned with the style of public-speaking- the use of voice, language, eye contact, notes, gesture, stance, humor, and personality as a medium for making be audience more respective to the argument being delivered. The are not set rules which must be followed by debaters. Method consist of the effectiveness of the structure and organization of the team case as a whole, and the extent to which the team reacted appropriately to the dynamic of the debate.
adalah poin, argumen, logika, fakta, statistic, dan contoh yang diangkat pada
saat debat. Manner menitikberatkan
This concludes a brief
explanation of the rules and regulations of debating in the Australasian Parliamentary
format. This format will be used at the upcoming English Debating
Contest. It is perfectly natural that this brief document does not yet fully cover every aspect of debating.
Demikianlah penjelasan singkat mengenai tata cara berdebat dengan format Australasian Parliamentary. Format inilah yang akan digunakan dalam pertandingan Debat bahasa Inggris. Sangatlah wajar jika document yang sangat singkat ini masih belum dapat menjelaskan setiap aspek dari berdebat .
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