“Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. ~Abraham Flexner"
“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. – Shakuntala Devi

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Common Vocabulary Part 3

- What time will we be in the meeting hall? : jam berapa kita akan digedung pertemuan?
- Keep the environment clean : jagalah kebersihan lingkungan
- No matter what, if that is you : tidak ada masalah jika it kamu
- That’s incridible/that’s amazing/that’s wonderful : luar biasa itu
- Sincea a while go, i have been lookingfor you : dari tadi saya mencarimu
- That’s too hot : pedisnya itu
- I am shy to do so : saya malu berbuat begitu
- How coquetish you are : genit sekali kamu
- What do you mean….? : maksud anda…?
- Sorry, i am using your toilet : maaf, numpangka kamar mandimu
- Accompany please : temanika kodong
- I am already full : bassoro maka/kenyang
- You have known but still asking : sudah tau bertanya lagi
- It’s time to break the fast : tiba waktu berbuka puasa
- The times of breaking the fast comes : tiba waktu berbuka puasa
- With whom do you go there? : dengan siapa kamu pergi kesana?
- Who do you go there with? : dengan siapa kamu pergi kesana?
- Wait a minute, i am changing my dress : tunggu sebentar,saya ganti pakaian
- Hold on/wait moment/just a minute/later on : tunggu dulu
- Who is in the toilet? : siapa dikamar mandi?
- Where the place to dry the clothes? : dimana tempat jemuran?
- Prepare your goods/stuffs/equipments/tools : siapkan perlengkapanmu
- No slipper brought into the room : dilarang bawa sendal kedalam kamar
- Don’t bring your shoes into laboratorium : jangan pake sepatu ke lab
- Don’t touch my stuff/goods : jangan sentuh barangku
- Don’t insult one another : jangan saling menghina
- May i do fart in here? : boleh saya buang angin disini?
- Sorry, i didn’t do purpously :maaf saya tidak sengaja melakukannya
- I want you to come here : saya mau anda kesini
- I want to take a pee : mau pipis
- I want to see jhon : mau pipis
- I want to see jane : mau pipis
- I want to pass water : mau pipis
- I want to the toilet : saya mau ke toilet
- I want to wash my hands : saya mau ke wc
- May i come into your room? : boleh saya datang kekamarmu?
- Lend me your money please : pinjamka uangmu
- I will return it soon : saya akan kembalikan segera
Dirja Wiharja
Aku adalah seorang murid dari guru yang bernama penderitaan, seorang mahasiswa dari dosen yang bernama kesederhanaan, seorang santri dari kyai yang bernama kesejatian, seorang salik dari mursyid yang bernama kesunyian .. terang dalam kegelapan kaya dalam kemiskinan ...

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