“Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. ~Abraham Flexner"
“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. – Shakuntala Devi

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Remember vs Recall

Jika anda me-”remember” sesuatu berarti Anda mengingat seseorang atau kejadian dalam pikiran Anda. Remember bisa digunakan dengan sebuah objek (transitif) atau tanpa objek (intransitif). Remember sering digunakan dengan to+infinitive and dengan klausa when- where- atau that-. Contoh:
  • Do you remember the first time we stood under the tree, looking to beautiful scene?
  • Do you remember when we first ate fried rice? ~ Yes I remember.
  • I can’t remember where I have put the book.
  • Will you remember to collect your suit from the drycleaners or shall I do it?
  • He remembered that he was going clubbing that evening and cheered up.
Ketika Anda me-recall (mengingat) sesuatu maka Anda mengingatnya dan menceritakannya kepada orang lain. Contoh:
  • The minister recalled his visits to France and the five meetings he had had with the Indonesian President. 

(info gathered from: differencebetween BBC englishhelponline)
Dirja Wiharja
Aku adalah seorang murid dari guru yang bernama penderitaan, seorang mahasiswa dari dosen yang bernama kesederhanaan, seorang santri dari kyai yang bernama kesejatian, seorang salik dari mursyid yang bernama kesunyian .. terang dalam kegelapan kaya dalam kemiskinan ...

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There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you? (Rumi)
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