“Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. ~Abraham Flexner"
“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. – Shakuntala Devi

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Who Am i? (Game 2)

English Game for all level ‘Who am I’ you can use this game simulation with any language building purposes. Not only for Vocabulary and Pronunciation but also to enhance students’ speaking and listening skill through asking question on this simulation game. The students need to have the freedom on exploring their own words to enable them using it in the free conversation.

List of words and or flashcards in several written famous names (mixed nationalities)

Examples of word list: 1. Soekarno 2. Alber Einstain 3. Mother Teresa 4. Germany

Divide the class into two teams, team A and team B or boys and girls. If you like, you might choose them randomly. Tape a name on the forehead of each student. The amount for each team may vary depends on the least number of members in a group. The two groups make a long line facing face by face. The individual student should not see his or her paper, but the others should. Then, like with 20 questions, only yes or no questions should be asked. Perhaps start from group A the first student and ask "Am I am man?" If the answer is yes, he/she can ask again, but if the answer is no, it's the next person's turn for group B. Play until everyone has guessed who he or she is! This can be played with nationalities, countries, household objects, anything and it's a gas, especially for adult. The fastest group which can guest who she or he is, is the winner. The winner can be given a reward and the lose team must try again on the next game.

Language Focus: Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Speaking and Listening.
Level: Any level (adult is recommended)
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Aku adalah seorang murid dari guru yang bernama penderitaan, seorang mahasiswa dari dosen yang bernama kesederhanaan, seorang santri dari kyai yang bernama kesejatian, seorang salik dari mursyid yang bernama kesunyian .. terang dalam kegelapan kaya dalam kemiskinan ...

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There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you? (Rumi)
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