“Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. ~Abraham Flexner"
“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. – Shakuntala Devi

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Doubles ( Pengulangan Kata)

Again and again : berulang kali
Back and forth  : maju mundur
Bawl and shout  : caci maki
Better and better :  lebih baik lagi
Body and soul :  jiwa dan raga
By and by :  masa yang akan datang
Be leaps and jump :  lompat-lompatan
Come and go  : pulang pergi
Do’s and don’t’s :  dilakukan dan dilarang
One and all :  setiap orang
Strong and healthy :  sehat dan kuat
To and fro  : mati-matian
Ouch and go :  tidak pasti
Give and take :  saling kompromi
Great and small :  besar dan kecil
Hot and cold  : berubah-ubah
Down and out :  hina dina
Fair and square :  jujur dan adil
First and last :  jumlah seluruhnya
Flesh and blood :  darah daging
In and out :  keluar masuk
One and only :  satu-satunya
Through and through  :  benar-benar
Thick and key :  baik maupun buruk
Ups and down :  suka duka
Ways and means :  daya upaya
Over and over :  berulang kali
Kith and kin :  kenalan dan keluarga
Rant and rave  : membesar-besarkan
This and that :  ini itu
Time and again :  terus menerus
Wear and tear :  usang
 Life and death :  hidup mati

Dirja Wiharja
Jangan bosan jadi orang baik

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There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you? (Rumi)
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