I’m not surprised: Gue nga kaget.
The price is so good: Harganya bagus banget.
Something to do with money: Ada hubungannya ama uang.
I’d heard that he was ill: Gue denger dia sakit.
You only have to ask: Elo cuman perlu nanya.
The price is so good: Harganya bagus banget.
Something to do with money: Ada hubungannya ama uang.
I’d heard that he was ill: Gue denger dia sakit.
You only have to ask: Elo cuman perlu nanya.
What’s up?: Ada apa?
I’m on the phone.: Gue lagi nelpon.
I wish I could: Gue harap gue bisa.
Of course I have: Pastinya, g punya donk!
Is she an administrator?: Dia seorang admin ya?
I’m on the phone.: Gue lagi nelpon.
I wish I could: Gue harap gue bisa.
Of course I have: Pastinya, g punya donk!
Is she an administrator?: Dia seorang admin ya?
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